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15 Pick Me Ups You Need Right Now

15 pick me ups to boost happiness and health
boost your mental, emotional and physical health

One of the hardest things about this entire COVID situation is the uncertainty of when things will get better. Also, the feeling of powerlessness to do anything about it for yourself or someone you love can be very demoralizing. Well the good news is there are lots of things, some things you can do in as little as 1 minute, you can do to feel better mentally, emotionally and physically and regain some of the perceived powerlessness to influence the situation.

Like so many things, this comes down to how you allow yourself to spend your time and use the positivity of people and opportunities around you to influence your mood and mentality. Here are 15 things you can easily do to manage these tough times:

1. Limit how much negative information you take in

Psychologist Dr. Ryan Howes suggests limiting your news intake to 15 minutes a day so you’re informed about what is happening but not overwhelmed or triggered negatively by what you are hearing and reading. Creating some distance from current events all day, every day will help your mind and emotions have a break. Stay in the know but don't obsess over every detail!

2. Sketch out what your day will look like

This is not about planning every minute but I think family therapist Danielle Sangalli says it well with her quote “structure is medicine for chaotic feelings and making your own schedule can be very grounding”. We can take back some control by saying here is what I’m doing today and framing our micro goals, tiny habits and our time for fun and play

3. Add play to your day

There is this amazing TED talk about the Power of Play (link). I definitely encourage you to listen to the entire talk. Now more than ever we need to play. We need to have some fun. So kick a ball, play a board game, draw or doodle. These can occupy our minds in a good way and give us a sense of relief from the news and grind. My son and I have been coloring together. I’m a little more focused on staying in the lines than he is but there is something calming about it and it is a lot of fun to spend that time with him.

4. Breathe

Breathing is so important and when we get stressed or feel a loss of control we are more likely to take shallow, short breaths from our chest instead of from our bellies. Breathing is a topic that comes up frequently on Calm Cash even going back to episode #1 of the podcast. Now is a perfect time to set aside 2 minutes in the morning and at night to focus on our breath. Re-listen to episode 1 to hear the box breathing technique if you need some help!

5. Use the power of your phone

Just like that rectangle can be a conduit for all the bad news and negativity on social media, it can also be a force for good. On your phone are pictures and apps that are full of good news and memories. So don’t forget to build times into your day to take a walk down memory lane. I did this for about 20 minutes the other day. I went back through pictures looking at vacations, pictures of friends and family who I really miss right now and generally reminiscing about some awesome times. It made me feel great…you should try that too.

6. Keep drinking

Water that is. Staying hydrated is always important because it boosts our energy, brain function and physical performance. Most people should be drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day so double check your intake and make sure you are getting enough. As we get closer to summer and temperatures rise, remember to add an extra 8 to 16 ounces per day.

7. A clutter free corner

My house right now is a total disaster. There are toys everywhere, we are changing 12 diapers a day or more for the newborn and it feels like an Amazon box shows up every hour on the hour. There is just a lot of stuff. Stuff and clutter can be stressful, especially if you are a recovering germ-a-phobe and neat freak like myself. Some good advice comes from therapist and mindset coach Kate Crocco who makes her bed, puts away her clothes and clears all surfaces in her bedroom every morning. She says “This way if I need a break from toys or dishes in the sink, I close my door, look around and instantly feel at peace seeing everything away”. She is taking back control and creating order. You can do this too, even if it is in the smallest nook or corner of your place.

8. Get your zzz’s

Sleep is so important and right now stress and uncertainty may be keeping you awake. To be our best selves mentally, emotionally and physically, we have to give our bodies time to recover and regenerate. To get good consistent sleep, avoid screens about an hour before bedtime, create a routine by laying down and waking up at the same times and avoid alcohol intake within a few hours of bed. Box breathing and evening meditation can also help you calm down and kick off your sleep cycles.

9. Make your chores less frustrating

I don’t like cleaning the bathroom. Specifically I really don’t like cleaning the toilet but we have to do it and keep our places as germ free as possible. What I like to do is throw on some headphones and listen to podcasts or music while I do the dishes, fold the laundry or make some dinner. Of course start with the Calm Cash podcast and go from there! The key is find ways to add enjoyable activities to the mundane chores of our new normal.

10. Take a Drive

About a week ago my 2 year old at dinner said “I want to see my friends and I want to ride in the car”. We laughed and said we all wanted to do that. But he was right about the power of a good drive. Driving has always symbolized moving forward and right now we all feel so stuck. So Luke and I went for a drive. I actually had an errand to run but he came too. We saw things like stop lights, big trucks and buildings that we hadn’t seen in weeks. It was awesome. So take a drive. You can even drive to a spot you like in town and read a book, or just sit in silence to take a break. Don’t have a car? Take a mental escape by looking at books, artwork online or even the screen savers on your computer to be transported to a different place and time.

11. Connect to 1 person per day over text, email, video chat, phone or social media

Find an old friend or someone you miss and just say hi. Check on them, tell them you are here for them and remind them this will be over one day. My guess is they will love the boost and probably return the favor when you need it too. This has been a fun activity for me the last several weeks. Seeing my friends and family healthy and in good spirits is a real blessing right now.

12. Spring Clean your Social Media

Speaking of social media on the last one, take a few minutes and tidy up your social accounts. I spent 10 minutes muting and unfollowing people or accounts that were stressing me out and sinking my vibes. Now those negative triggers aren’t in my feed and I can focus on the people and topics that give me a lot of joy or provide news that is balanced.

13. Remember your mantra

We talked about this in episode #10 of the podcast but mantras are so important to help us focus our energy and mind on the things we value. When each day feels the same, it can be easy to stop saying or focusing on your mantra. Now is a great time to re-commit to these motivational words or phrases. Remember mantra is Sanskrit for “thought behind speech or action”…they are literally words to live by!

14. Communicate your needs

If you are at home with your family or roommates, there are times where things can get overwhelming and your worlds start to blur. Personal chores or child care gets in the way of work or vice versa. To prevent that, make sure you are telling others around you what YOU need. Don’t be afraid to communicate your needs like “I need 2 hours to get this thing done for work this morning” or “I need 10 minutes to my self before we start dinner”. And then follow up your needs with confirming what your spouse, child, roommate or friend needs by saying it out loud…”what do you need?” This open communication helps set boundaries, inform, prioritize and ultimately keep you sane.

15. Take quality breaks

The term quality breaks is very subjective one person to the next. Take social media, for some it is a true escape but for others it is a bit of a black hole with lots of negativity. I say let’s put the phones down and make sure we get some breaks from technology. If you can safely go outside, even just on a patio or balcony to get fresh air, please do so at least twice a day even if it is just for 5 minutes. Try to get some vitamin D from the sun if possible or light exercise like walking or a quick run. The benefits to our mind, body and spirit are many so make sure to build in these times.

15 things is a lot. I hope you can find 2 or 3 of these things and make them work in this coming week. If so, I want to hear about it either through email ( or on our Instragram @calmcashpodcast. And if you find these helpful, share this article with a friend or two. Stay well!

- Ben

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